Integrative Physical Therapy

Mission: To Improve Health & Change Lives

Providing Quality "One-On-One" Care

Physical Therapy services provided are NOT the same everywhere you go.  There is still a misconception that all PT’s are created equal.   And this misconception continues to be perpetuated by some doctors who still refer to those clinics.  I have spoken to many people in my career, who were referred to me, but had initial reservations, saying, “PT has never helped me”.  Those people were not receiving the integrative care I provide. 

I am embarrassed to see so many PT’s still only practice exercise therapy, and never put their “hands-on” the patients.  This is not effective care.

An Integrative Approach provides more care and expertise than just following the order on the prescription.  It includes a thorough evaluation to get to the true source of the problem.    Followed by expert manual therapy and self-care education to fully restore function of the joints and soft tissues, as well as proper posture, ergonomics, exercise and fitness, and most importantly prevention.

Providing Treatment for:

Acute Injuries

Chronic Pain & Dysfunction

Low Back, Upper Back, & Neck Dysfunction

Shoulder Dysfunction

Hip Dysfunction


Temporal-Mandibular  Dysfunction

Nerve Pain

Myofascial Pain

Overuse Injuries: Carpal Tunnel, Tendinitis, Bursitis etc.

Postural Imbalances

Muscular Flexibility & Strength Imbalances

and more….

Therapy Techniques

Joint mobilization techniques

Direct and Indirect

Muscle Energy Techniques

Soft Tissues Mobilization Techniques

Dry Needling



Myofascial Release

Deep Tissue Release

and more…

NeuroMuscular Facilitation/Re-Education Techniques

Origin/Insertion Facilitation

Proprioception/Kinesthetic Re-Training

Functional Dry Needling

Therapeutic Exercise

Self-Care Education

Postural Correction

Body Mechanics Correction

and much more….