Experience the Body Balance difference!

Physical Therapy

Comprehensive Evaluations

Customized Treatment Plans

One-on-One Quality Care

Holistic Approach

Expert Manual Techniques  

Dry Needling

Exercise Instruction

Ergonomic Evaluation & Recommendations

Food Sensitivity & Allergy Elimination

Many people are unaware they have allergies or negative reactions to environmental factors or foods they eat.  These reactions can cause many symptoms.  Most allergies can be improved or even eliminated with this holistic technique

Emotional Therapy: Neuro Emotional Technique (NET)

NET is a “stress reducing” technique that can quickly change the body’s physiologic reaction to stress.  In doing so it can also help to eliminate pain and/or health issues that are related to stress.

For many of these health issues, we have no idea there is a stress component.  They are often due to stresses we a not even aware of.

Improve Nutrition & BioChemistry to Affect Healing

It is important to understand the quality of the things we eat or drink.  Simple strategies to increase nutrients we need,  decrease those we don’t,  and  supplement to fill holes in our diet, will really help prolong our lives.  Many things we ingest cause more harm that we know. Learning everything we can to improve nutrition & hydration,  and reduce toxicity, will help to achieve optimal health.