Food Sensitivity & Allergy Elimination

Allergies/food sensitivities? Get Rid of Them!

NAET is a Remarkable Technique

Namburipad's Allergy Elimination Technique (NAET)

NAET is a safe quick very effective technique that incorporates muscle testing from Applied Kinesiology, a kit of allergen samples, tapping facilitation to the appropriate spinal levels involved while patient holds the samples, and then a temporary avoidance of the key substances after the treatment.  Many people are unaware they have allergies or negative reactions to environmental factors or foods they eat.  These reactions can cause many symptoms.  Most allergies can be improved or even eliminated with this holistic technique.

If you have been avoiding foods due to allergies or sensitivities, this is a technique for you.   For those of you who don’t know if allergens or foods sensitivities are affecting your health, this technique is for you.

NAET is remarkable.  I had my first encounter 22 years ago when my healthy 2 y/o daughter started getting sick frequently.  As we moms do, I researched high and low to find an answer that didn’t include continuing to treat her with meds.   I finally learned about and tried NAET, provided by a friend who was a chiropractor.  The results were miraculous. 

I immediately signed up to learn the technique to not only continue to treat my daughter as more allergies popped up, but to add this amazing tool to my professional bag of tricks.

I have had excellent results with many types of cases.